The American Dental Association recommends visiting the dentist twice a year for preventive cleanings and exams. When you see Dr. Brenner and our sweet smile pros every six months, we’ll gently polish away any plaque and tartar that even the most diligent brushing and flossing can’t reach! Regular comprehensive exams also help our team to spot any oral health issues early, helping you avoid costly, extensive dental treatments down the road.
Yes! Our dedicated professionals offer same-day and after hours emergency appointments. If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, including a persistent toothache, knocked out teeth, or missing or loose dental work, please call us right away. Our compassionate crew will set you up with an appointment to get you out of pain and back to smiling as soon as possible.
Veneers and crowns are treatments used in restorative dentistry that can enhance the function and appearance of your teeth. Veneers are primarily used for cosmetic purposes, such as concealing any gaps, stains, or chipped teeth, and only cover the front of your tooth. While crowns can improve the look of your smile, their main purpose is to cover and protect your entire tooth after experiencing decay.
“When we work together to do our part, the patient wins."
– Dr. Jeffrey L. Brenner