Teeth Whitening in Newtown, PA

Over time, teeth can become stained again due to factors like dietary choices, smoking, aging, and oral hygiene habits. Luckily through teeth whitening, you can maintain the desired level of whiteness.

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Teeth Whitening In Newtown, PA

What is Teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental treatment that uses bleaching agents or laser technology to remove stains and discoloration, leaving teeth looking brighter and more radiant.

Teeth Whitening In Newtown, PA

Did you know…

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Teeth whitening is not a one-size-fits-all solution. The effectiveness of teeth whitening treatments can vary based on the individual's natural tooth color, the cause of discoloration, and the type of whitening product used.

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In-office teeth whitening

In-office teeth whitening is the most popular teeth whitening method. Here, the dentist will apply a strong bleaching agent on your teeth and activate it with a special light. They’ll then repeat the process several times until your teeth achieve the desired result. This is usually done in one sitting, except for cases of severe discoloration.

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Take-home teeth whitening

You can also opt for take-home teeth whitening. This technique involves creating custom whitening trays that you take home with the bleaching. The dentist will instruct on how to put the bleaching agent in the tray and how much to put in. All you have to do is wear the trays as per the dentist’s instructions and your teeth will gradually whiten in about two weeks.

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Benefits of Teeth Whitening

Enhances Your Visual Appearance

The most notable benefit of teeth whitening is that it improves your teeth’s appearance. Whiter teeth make you look younger and prettier since most people associate white teeth with youthfulness and good health. They can make a world of difference in how people perceive you and your overall appearance.

Boosts Your Self-Esteem

It’s normal to feel self-conscious about your discolored teeth. Teeth whitening can boost your confidence so you can take control of social situations and take advantage of opportunities that come your way.

Minimally Invasive Procedure

Teeth whitening is one of the least invasive procedures in cosmetic dentistry. All the dentist has to do is apply a bleaching agent to the affected teeth and use a blue light to activate it. The process doesn’t hurt but we sometimes use a protective gel on the gums and mouth lining to shield them from the strong bleaching agent.

Teeth Whitening Process

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Consultation and Treatment Preparation

Teeth whitening begins with a consultation with a licensed dentist in Newtown. This consultation forms the basis for treatment. It involves a comprehensive examination of your teeth and overall dental health. If everything checks out, the dentist will prepare your teeth by removing plaque, and tartar, and cleaning them for effective whitening.

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Application of Protective Gel and Teeth Whitening Agent

The dentist will apply protective gel or use a dental dam to protect your gums and the inside of your cheeks from the strong bleaching agent. Next, they’ll carefully apply the whitening agent to the affected teeth. A special blue light is then used to activate the whitening agent so that it breaks down the stain. The dentist will repeat the process until they achieve the desired color and your teeth are spotless.

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Progress Monitoring and Follow-Up Appointments

Teeth whitening is a temporary treatment, where follow-up visits are necessary to prevent re-discoloration. The dentist will schedule these appointments in intervals of three months to years, depending on the treatment’s effectiveness.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Whitening effects usually last anywhere from three months to three years. However, several factors determine the longevity of your teeth whitening treatment. Some of these factors include your oral hygiene, lifestyle, and eating habits. It also depends on the type of teeth whitening, and the bleaching agent used.

No, the teeth whitening agent used on teeth doesn’t work on crowns, fillings, and other dental restorations. These restorations are made from porcelain, ceramic, and other materials resistant to the bleaching agent. Should they discolor them, patients have no choice but to replace their restorations.

It’s normal to experience mild tooth sensitivity after whitening your teeth. Luckily, you can reduce tooth sensitivity by taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs before your treatment. You can also ask your dentist whether using desensitizing toothpaste will help the sensitivity.